At a vigil held following a factory accident that resulted in at least four deaths, family and friends gathered to mourn the victims and honor their memories. Guadalupe Hernandez Corona, the sister of one of the deceased workers, tearfully paid tribute to her sister, describing her as a hard worker and a fighter. She urged attendees to remember the victims with a smile and to work together to find those still missing from the factory. One of the missing workers, Rosa Andrade Reynoso, has family members praying for closure and for workplace safety improvements to prevent similar tragedies in the future. The crowd at the vigil announced the names of the victims as their families lit candles in remembrance, with some breaking down in sobs as they knelt before photos of their loved ones. The emotional event highlighted the need for better safety measures in workplaces to prevent such heartbreaking losses from occurring again. The families of the victims are calling for changes to ensure that every workplace has an evacuation plan in place to protect workers and prevent future tragedies.
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