Peter Hessler, known for his insightful writings on Chinese society, had planned to take a break from writing upon his arrival at Sichuan University in 2019. However, the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Wuhan led him to document the extraordinary events that unfolded in China during this period. In his latest book, Other Rivers: A Chinese Education, Hessler blends memoir and reportage to explore the impact of the pandemic on Chinese youth, particularly his university students.
Hessler’s book delves into the nuanced perspectives of the younger generation in China, who are more critical of the country’s political system compared to their predecessors. Through stories like that of Common Sense, an independent student newspaper forced to close after reporting on a student’s death during the pandemic, Hessler sheds light on the challenges faced by those who challenge the status quo.
Other Rivers also reflects on the changing dynamics of Sino-American relations, as seen through the closure of the Peace Corps program in China and the US consulate in Chengdu. Despite these challenges, Hessler emphasizes the importance of cultural exchange and understanding between the two nations.
Through his compassionate portrayal of Chinese society during a tumultuous time, Hessler’s writing has garnered praise from readers both inside and outside of China. Other Rivers serves as a testament to the power of dialogue and mutual respect in a world marked by increasing divisions and political tension.
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