The viral disease known as Mpox, previously referred to as monkeypox, is primarily found in central and western Africa. In 2022, Mpox was declared a global health emergency due to its potential to spread and cause severe illness. This infectious disease is transmitted through contact with infected animals, particularly primates, as well as through human-to-human contact.
Symptoms of Mpox include fever, headache, muscle aches, and a distinctive rash, making it easily recognizable by healthcare professionals. While Mpox is similar to smallpox, it is generally less severe and has a lower mortality rate. However, Mpox can still cause serious complications, especially in individuals with weakened immune systems.
To prevent the spread of Mpox, it is important to practice good hygiene, such as frequent handwashing, and avoid contact with sick individuals or animals. Vaccines for Mpox are currently being researched, but there is no specific treatment available beyond supportive care to relieve symptoms.
The declaration of Mpox as a global health emergency in 2022 highlights the need for increased awareness and resources to combat this disease. Public health organizations are working to improve surveillance and control measures to prevent outbreaks and protect at-risk populations. By understanding the transmission and symptoms of Mpox, healthcare professionals and the public can better respond to this threat and limit its impact on global health.
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